What do "Before Harvest" and "After Harvest" values signify?

What do "Before Harvest" and "After Harvest" values signify?

  • Before Harvest

    • The Before Harvest values are the user’s realized gains/losses as of the current date.

    • The Tax-Loss Harvesting dashboard shows realized gains/losses split as short-term realized gains/losses and long-term realized gains/losses.

    • Red color indicates losses, and green color indicates gains.

    • At the start of every FY, a user’s Before Harvest values are set to zero (unless they have carry-forward losses from the previous years).

    • If users have carry-forward losses, their Before Harvest values will be negative.

  • After Harvest

    • The After Harvest values on the Tax-Loss Harvesting dashboard are the user’s tentative realized gains/losses.

    • The values are tentative because they change in real-time as per the position being harvested and are only final after a successful harvest. They give the user a preview of what their gains would look like after they harvest the selected positions.

    • By default, both Before and After Harvest values will be the same. Only when a position or multiple positions are selected for harvest will the After Harvest value change.

    • Red color indicates losses, and green color indicates gains.